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Our focus is on fair wages. We have the products made in Europe where certain labour legislation exists. We don’t push factories to lower their prices, because we don’t want to underpay anyone and make them work longer hours. We do not use child labour.

We don’t say that we don’t find pollution an issue, as it indeed is. But since we are not a fabric or materials producer, we can’t contribute directly on sustainability in that respect - it does not depend on us. We depend on the processes in the industry, we can’t navigate them. There is some improvement in the field, but we can’t guarantee anything.

What we can guarantee you, is that we don’t support any labour abuse and underpayment. Ensuring fair wages is our main contribution to sustainable fashion.

And since we want to create things we like ourselves - we don’t like low quality fabrics and polymers, we use mostly natural materials and fabrics. We create small quantity, limited edition products. This we can promise you.

Smogg tag team,

Our ethical industry standard

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